I am asked repeatedly to hold workshops or talks about the Systemic / Family Constellation approach, the “Orders of Love” and the “Orders of Helping” for counsellors and therapists.
More and more people understand that this approach is not something separate, but that the insights and learning outcomes can be integrated in whatever approach we are working with.
Understanding and applying these basic principles in counselling and therapy does not mean to apply another theoretical framework. It means to open up a bigger picture, a perspective that we might not have been aware of before and it can lead to a fundamentally altered inner posture and attitude with deep healing effects (not only) on our clients.
This is how a CPD Trainer experienced such a day:
“As a CPD trainer, I asked Ursula if she would kindly design a workshop specifically for practicing counsellors to raise their awareness of how family constellations could have an influence in the way in which they relate to their clients.
To cut a long story short, I am writing this at the end of a day consisting of fantastic experiences shared by myself and the rest of the participants of a one- day’s Introduction to “Systemic/Family Constellations” workshop facilitated by Ursula.
I found Ursula to be a skillful and sensitive facilitator, as she helped the Presenter’s Representatives tune in to the deep unconscious family dynamic being played out through the Presenter’s life. There were many cathartic moments for both Representatives and the Presenters, and each was sensitively managed by Ursula.
At the end of the workshop it was unanimous that we had been privileged to experience an amazing process and a desire to gain further knowledge about this valuable process which Ursula had so ably shared with us.
Many thanks Ursula.” (Mike and Pam Johnston-Price, Solutions at Work)
And this is how a participant experienced another CPD day:
“I just have one word to describe Saturday’s CPD on systemic constellation. Wow. My mind is absolutely blown by the possibilities, the strength of the emotions for me as a participant and the implications this can have for a greater understanding of where we come from, and how we are influenced by past and present relationships, whether we are aware of them or not. If I didn’t experience it myself I am not entirely sure I would have believed it.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity and I have no doubt it has broadened my mind and given me food for thought that will change me as a person and as a therapist.” (M.G.)
If you are interested in experiencing such a CPD workshop with your students, supervision group or colleagues (CAN ALL BE DONE ONLINE!) don’t hesitate to
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