Are you ready to go with me on a journey of growth and positive changes in your life?
Are you ready to “ALLOW CHANGE TO HAPPEN”.
Then join me on this journey – and this is what you can expect:
Every month we will address one of the following special topics:
My story
My dreams
My Resistance
My Inner Child
Saying YES to Myself and to Life
We will work with the messages of the healing cards of my card deck (you can see an example above).
Each month you will receive:
A video with my reflections on the topic
An audio with a special meditation on the topic
A live online group session at the end of each month where you can ask questions, share your process etc.
There is also the option to choose a special program where one 1to1 constellation with me is included at a time of your choice during the year (see fees and conditions below).
The program will start in July 2021.
The online group sessions will be held via Zoom on the LAST WEDNESDAY of each month (subject to modifications, if necessary).
The time for the group sessions will be 6:30 pm CET
Fees and conditions
You have 3 possibilities to join the journey:
Monthly payment of 12.00 EUR (which makes 144.00 EUR if you join the whole year). You can opt out any time you want if you don’t want to continue by simply sending me an email.
One time advance payment of 120.00 EUR for one year (which makes 10.00 EUR per month). This payment is NOT refundable even if you decide to leave during the journey.
One time advance payment of 180.00 EUR for one year (which makes 15.00 EUR per month). In this payment ONE 1to1 constellation with me is included. This payment is NOT refundable even if you decide to leave during the journey.