Booking Individual Healing Sessions


    Booking Individual Healing Session

    Please check the box (required).

    Online session (first session) – 150.00 EUR / 120 min

    Online session (follow up session) – 110.00 EUR / 120 min

    Online session (couple – 200.00 EUR / 120 min


    Please check the applicable box(es) for the days of the week and time (required). This enables me to suggest the most suitable dates/times for you.




    And now please choose your preferred starting time by checking the applicable box(es)(required).

    Morning – 8:00 am to 11:00 am

    Afternoon – 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm

    Evening – 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

    Though I cannot promise to always find the ideal date I will try to do my best.

    Privacy Policy / Terms and Conditions
    Under the new GDPR law you have to agree that I am allowed to collect your data that you are sending me through this contact form. So please read the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions on the footer of this website.
    I herewith confirm that I have read and I agree to the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions on the footer of this website.
    The last step is just to make sure that you are a real human being ?