Dear ,

When I started writing this newsletter I wrote about the present situation, about how hard it is for many of us, about what it makes with us.

But then I stopped and I told myself – why should I write about something that we all know? You don’t read my newsletters because of something you already know, but because you are looking forward to some new inspirations.

So I deleted everything and here I am talking about – RECONCILIATION. A word that I always use in my closing.

When we hear the word “RECONCILIATION” we usually think of two people who had an argument or a problem with each other and eventually make peace and manage to settle their issues.

But RECONCILIATION is much more than this. It is one of the deepest healing experiences that human beings can achieve. And – the beautiful news is – we do not need anyone else. It all starts with us.

Now you might ask – but how should I reconcile with someone if the other person is not there, or is not ready to reconcile with me?

Well, the answer is easy. When we are honest, we have to admit that RECONCILIATION always starts with and within ourselves.

If we are not reconciled with ourselves – and often we are not even aware of it – we cannot reconcile with others.

So what does it mean to reconcile with myself?

Well, most of us live more or less in a sometimes conscious or more often unconscious inner struggle. Usually we experience two sides of ourselves – the “good” one and the “bad” one, the one who wants to do things and the one who sabotages, the one who is happy and the one who is sad, etc. And sometimes there are even more than these two sides, depending on our experiences in the past and how we had to adapt to the outer circumstances.

This inner struggle causes blockages and consumes a lot of energy – and – coming back to our live with others – is played out in our relationships. So we blame others for things that are going on deep inside ourselves.

We could say that our outer life somehow is a mirror of our inner life. And the battles that we fight with our human fellows (parents, siblings, partners, friends) are a mirror of the battles that (consciously or unconsciously) we fight within ourselves.

The good news is that we do not need anyone else to start the process of reconciliation – we are enough. Reconciling the two (or more) parts within us, becoming whole again, we find that place of inner peace and compassion, that enables us to heal our relationships with others – no matter if they are ready for it or not.

Connection and healing always start with ourselves, never with the others. When we understand this we are free – independent from what other people do or don’t do.

If this resonates with you, you might want to go on a unique healing journey and join one of my special weekend workshops in March and April.

Wishing you a lovely month of February in the spirit of love and reconciliation




It was beautiful to work with so many of you during the month of January in 1to1 healing sessions.

February is fully booked, so if you want to start your healing journey, please register below for the month of March.

These sessions are an amazing opportunity to reconcile with yourself and others.

They support you in following your path and developing the necessary trust in yourself and in life, through understanding your story and possible ways of solution.

Please use this link for registration: 1TO1 HEALING SESSIONS



The next online constellation workshop is planned for Sunday, 14th or March 2021.

It will start at 10:00 am (CET time) and last until roundabout 3:00 pm.

You can choose to work on your question or issue – there is still one space available for ISSUE-HOLDER, or you can participate as REPRESENTATIVE. Please REGISTER HERE

If you are interested in doing your OWN CONSTELLATION, but the date does not match with your schedule, please get in touch through the CONTACT form.



I am happy to announce the following weekend workshops:

March 27th / 28th: “Finally in peace with my parents”

April 24th / 26th: “My partner is exactly the right one”

Please find the description on the website following the above links. There you can find information about content and fees.



The constellation approach is a wonderful tool for supervision as we reach a unique understanding of hidden processes between therapist and client, leading to benefits for both of them. This is confirmed every time when I meet online with my ongoing supervision group from Malta.

If you are a therapist or a group of therapists and would like to experience this kind of supervision or also individual supervision, please get in touch through this link for more information INTEREST IN SUPERVISION




The time schedule and contents for the next training is now decided. It will start on May 6th 2021.

You can find all the information on my website following this link TRAINING.

There you will find also the registration link in case you decide to join.

For any questions you might have regarding the training, please get in touch via email or


IMPORTANT! For some still undefined reasons sometimes I do not receive your emails. I always reply within 2-3 days. So if you did not get a reply to an email, please get in touch through the website and the contact form. Thank you very much.


Whatever way you might choose, I am happy to support you and to be part of your life journey.

Ursula 💖

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Ursula Maria Bell
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© Ursula Maria Bell 2020