Dear ,

This newsletter is dedicated to gratitude. Gratitude to all different people and aspects in my life. And to reflections around gratitude.

I think you all know about gratitude exercises that go like “When you are worried or unhappy, start with becoming aware of what you can be grateful for.” Many people work with this exercise from the mind and wonder why things don’t change. And sooner or later they stop. Others are able to make the shift from the mind to the heart and this is when miracles can happen.

This feeling of gratitude from the heart is what we often experience when we participate in a constellation workshop. We are part of a healing process, of understanding what “acknowledging what is” really means. And through this acknowledgement we naturally become aware of all the good things in our life, things that we only can be grateful for.

The more we allow ourselves to connect to this inner state of being, the more naturally we connect to feelings of gratitude – no longer from our mind, but deep within our heart.

I have realized that during my preparations for my move to Cluj-Napoca most of the time I was in this natural state of inner awareness and gratitude and I am wondering if this is the reason for so many things falling naturally into place during these last months. Actually, I am sure it is.

When I facilitate constellations, I surrender to a higher power, to something bigger than us, something that knows better and eventually guides us to a solution or to what is meant to be, to be seen or to happen.

And somehow this is what the last months feel like in retrospect: me surrendering to something bigger and trusting. I knew I had to do this step and I did not have big expectations, but I trusted that things would fall somehow into place. And they did. Besides a deep friendship that actually connected me to my new home (another reason for deep gratitude), I found a wonderful place to live on the first day of my arrival. On the first weekend I was allowed to facilitate a deep healing constellation workshop with amazing souls in an energy of mutual gratitude.

Sitting here and writing this newsletter at the beginning of my new adventure, I think of the many things in my life I am grateful for – it would be too much to specify them all here. But there are three that have a special place in my heart.

The first is my husband who fully supports me in my path although this means a lot of additional traveling for him. Then come all the wonderful people in my life who honor my work and allow me to be part of their life journey – and you, who are reading this newsletter now, are one of them. And then there is a deep gratitude for being allowed to work with constellations and the orders of love and share them with you.

I don’t know where this new chapter in my life takes me to, but in this moment it does not matter. What matters is the present, the awareness of the here and now and of the knowledge that this is already part of my life.

I wish you from my heart that you allow yourself to surrender to life and to trust that things will somehow fall into place when you follow your heart and your inner calling with gratitude for what you already have.

Have a lovely month of April in the spirit of love and reconciliation


     Special workshop in Cluj

Are you longing to heal your romantic relationship or to understand better challenging unconscious or maybe repetitive patterns? Then you shouldn’t miss this workshop.

Limited to 8 participants to ensure a deep healing experience for everyone - so save your space.

We will use a colorful selection of different approaches including short constellations.

"My Partner Is Exactly The Right One"

April 22.-23.2023 in Cluj-Napoca

Follow THIS LINK for more information or get in touch for any questions




Join Dumitrita, Diana and me for 5 days to uncover a deeper understanding of the challenges you face today and how to take your unique steps towards a new chapter in your life.


5-days retreat in Romania (May 21.-26. 2023)

  Make sure you safe your space.

Follow THIS LINK for more information



The trans-generational approach of constellations and the “Orders of Love” can be implemented in every kind of service to human beings and – most of all - it will become an integral part of your private life contributing to healthy and enriching relationships and a fulfilled life path.


Basic Online Training in Systemic / Family Constellations

May 4th 2023 to March 10th 2024

There are only 2 spaces left – save yours.

Join the group and transform your professional and personal life.

Follow THIS LINK for more information or get in touch with me.



Look up the PROGRAM 2023 for more dates

Registrations for the constellation workshops will start ca. 1 month before


1to1 Healing Sessions


If you would like to register a 1to1 online session please get in touch through this link 1TO1 HEALING SESSIONS



Any questions you might have, please feel free to contact me.


Thank you for your trust and for allowing me to be part of your life journey

In the spirit of love and reconciliation,



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