Dear ,

I am writing this article on my flight back from Malta to Bulgaria - somewhere in the space between.

This visit in Malta was not only a celebration of reconnection and the deep healing experience of the constellation workshops, but also very much a celebration of graduation. 12 of my students received their certificate of successful completion of their training.

This inspired me to dedicate this newsletter to my dear students and the beauty of growth.

I learned that the most beautiful thing about teaching is to accompany the process of each single student and to be allowed to witness their transformation.

For some it might be easier, for some it might be more difficult, but for me as a teacher, I just acknowledge what is.

More than about the result it is about the journey. When we allow the journey in its own pace, its own shape and energy, the result will come naturally – sooner or later. And this is wonderful.

Everyone grows in their own pace, just like the trees in the big park that I enjoy on my daily walks. Every student is different. Just like these trees that have different times when their sprouts show up, their buds, their blossoms, their fruit – it is the same for us humans.

In the park all trees stand together, but they have different paces of growth. While some are already in full bloom, others just start to open up and some, while they are showing the new life in their buds, still carry the remains of the old, withered parts.

So, when we are in a training and when we are in a group together, we also have different paces of growth and it is important to respect this, to not compare ourselves with others, but to understand and embrace and acknowledge our own individual beauty and achievements.

We are all so conditioned to believe that we must reach a certain stage at a certain time and be able to do certain things at a certain age – and this continues while we are growing up.

But it is not true. When we try to be like someone else, when we compare ourselves with others, we might miss the most beautiful process of growth and transformation within us.

It would be a pity and boring, if all my students were equal. They have all embraced the seeds of the “Orders of Love” and the “Orders of Helping” and I can feel in each one of them the respect, humbleness, and gratitude for getting in touch with this beautiful work. Every one of them will bring their fruits differently to the world, in their own pace. Some are still hesitant to appear, not yet believing how much their presence already makes a difference in the world, others are more confident and courageous.

I am so grateful for being allowed to travel for a short while along with all of them and I know that eventually each one of them will be in full bloom and show their beauty and magic to the world.

May you all be allowed to grow in your own individual pace.

I am wishing you a blessed month of June in the spirit of love and reconciliation.


Family Constellation and other Workshops



I will be back again this year. The next constellation weekend is planned for October - most probably the weekend of 8.+9. 10. 2022.

Registration will not start before end of August / mid September, but if you are interested in having your own constellation, you can pre-register through the link below to safe your space.






I am so excited and deeply grateful for being allowed to share my work in a new country.

One of my students is organizing a weekend of constellations in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, on the last weekend of July. 





After finding a wonderful space in Sofia I am now planning to offer some special workshops there starting this summer.

Details are still in the making …. and I will send information individually to my Bulgarian friends soon.



I was reminded that many do not know that I also offer supervision.

The supervision is NOT limited to constellation facilitators or people who work with constellations. 

Supervision based on the constellation work is a deep valuable support - no matter which theory or approach you are working with.

I offer 1to1 supervision or group supervision online independently of your country and in-person in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Are you interested or do you want to know more about it?

Simply get in touch HERE

1to1 Healing Sessions

Next possible spaces from June 20th on.

If you would like to book a 1to1 session please get in touch through this link for registration 1TO1 HEALING SESSIONS


Any questions you might have, please feel free to contact me.


Thank you for your trust and for allowing me to be part of your life journey

Much love, Ursula




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