Dear ,

In my June newsletter I wrote about the power of words, and a feedback of a dear colleague reminded me of the POWER that lies in SILENCE. So today I would like to talk a bit about it.

SILENCE – is one of the things that have become rare in our modern way of living. We are continuously filled with all kind of artificial sounds and noise around us – music, chatter, videos, TV series, advertising – at home, in our car, at our work places, in our leisure time.

Some of us seek SILENCE desperately through circles and retreats where we practice yoga, meditation and mindfulness.

Today, however, I want to write about the POWER of SILENCE in communication.

We are so used to connect communication with words and speaking. But if we dig deeper, we understand that the real communication happens in the moments of silence.

Until we use words, we use our brain. When we stop speaking, when we connect through our eyes, when we listen – we use our senses and our heart. And this is where real communication happens.

Do you remember situations when you did not find the right words, when you could not express in words what you wanted to say? Usually we then start talking around in the attempt to make us understood. And usually that leads to misunderstandings rather than to connection.

Do you remember situations when your words were just a sharp and wounding reaction, caused by your own feeling of being hurt and misunderstood – spoken thoughtlessly and carelessly?

What would happen if we just paused for a moment in these situations? What if we just looked at or listened to our counterpart and – before opening our mouth – just took a deep breath?

Did you ever try this out?

I did and the situation that stayed most with me was a conversation with my husband. The first years of our more than 20years of marriage were marked by heavy conflicts and arguments. One word followed the other – and we were unable to communicate in a reasonable way. With love and patience we managed to find our way out of this, but still sometimes we fell back in these old patterns.

One day, it happened again – we were on the phone, trying to defend ourselves against the other. All of a sudden I realized that this would lead nowhere. And I stopped talking. I just listened - silently – breathing.

And in this silence I HEARD him for the first time. I heard his pain, his frustration, his desperate attempt to make himself understood. And all of a sudden I knew that all this didn’t have anything to do with me.

I remember him asking “are you still there?” – and I answered “yes, I am here and I am listening”.

The whole energy had changed and love was able to flow again.


It is in SILENCE that awareness arises

It is in SILENCE that understanding emerges

It is in SILENCE that we hear the unspoken, the true messages, the essential

 It is this SILENCE that connects, heals and transforms.


I wish you all healing moments where you will be able to experience the POWER OF SILENCE.


Have a beautiful month of September in the spirit of love and reconciliation



Family Constellation Weekend – Malta

October 16, 17, 18 2020

As you all know, we are still living in times where we are told what we are allowed to do and what not in public.

Until now the constellation workshops had always a number of participants between 12 and 25 – but I have been told that the maximum allowed is 15 people.

I am still gathering information regarding safety measures we would have to take. I personally don’t believe that they are necessary, but I respect others’ concerns regarding safety.

On the other hand, doing a family constellation without physical contact, wearing masks and keeping distance is not what I feel I want to offer. I’d rather continue to work online.

Another option is to choose a private space and have a smaller group.

As you see, I put a lot of thoughts in something that once has been just flowing and natural.

This is why I WOULD NEED YOUR SUPPORT now. If you are thinking of participating in one of the workshops in October AS REPRESENTATIVE – would you please be so kind and let me know by filling in the following registration form as soon as possible?

You can still change your mind if you decide later to cancel your participation. But it would make it easier for me to arrange my further plans around the people interested.

So please, if you are thinking of participating, let me know by filling in THIS FORM.

Choose the day you would like to join and use the space for sending me any thoughts you would like to share. I will get back to each one of you as soon as possible.

Much gratitude for your kind support 💖🙏


 Working Online

More and more people are choosing a 1to1 constellation online and it always fills me with joy and gratitude to witness how deep this experience goes.

If you are still thinking of choosing this way to work, maybe the following testimonial can help you to decide if it is something for you:

“I have now also had the pleasure to experience Ursula online with a one to one constellation and I must say I was very apprehensive at first, however it was such an intimate and enriching experience.

The space in between our worlds became one and I literally felt so connected. It was so inspiring to see it and watch as the theme evolved and became clearer to me. Truly one MUST do it to believe and understand that what lies beneath is beautiful and magical.”


The sessions last 2 hours and if you want to know more, please get in touch. I am happy to answer all the questions you might have.

You can also book a session online here: BOOKING 1to1 session online

In the picture below you can see Yari guarding the space where I am usually holding the sessions 💖

“We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world ... As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." Nelson Mandela

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Ursula Maria Bell
0044 (0)7859 277357
© Ursula Maria Bell 2019