Dear ,

In this newsletter I wanted to write about life, gifts and gratitude, as we are in the month of Christmas and the Winter Solstice.

While I was writing down the first thoughts I received a message on Facebook and after reading the message a post caught my attention as it was about gifts. I love this synchronicity and – to cut a long story short – I decided to share this message with you. It comes from Michael Meade, an author, storyteller and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology and here it is:

"The idea of giving gifts derives from the ancient understanding that each soul comes to life bearing inner gifts. Genius was a primary word used for naming the inner brilliance of each soul born into the world. Rituals of gift-giving once carried the intention of encouraging people to find their genius and give the inner gifts of the soul. Offering a gift served to highlight the giftedness of both the one giving and the one receiving and enacts a remembrance of the unique giftedness of each life which can become a light shining in the darkness.

Given the size and complexity of the problems that currently threaten the world, there can be no single idea, specific political movement, or belief system that can save us. Rather, all kinds of ingenious solutions are needed; all types of inspiration, invention, and originality are now required. The idea of a genius self already present and trying to awaken within each of us may serve us better than more common notions of a heroic solution. Each person born, in some unique way, participates in the genius of life and the world at this time is in great need of an awakening of the genius qualities hidden in each of us.

The future of this world is so much in question that each person needs to be considered a potential subject of a genuine “calling” to serve in some meaningful way. It is the genius within us that our calling is calling to. Everyone has some gift to give if they learn to give from their essential nature.”

It has a lot to do with the “Orders of Love” and with the insights we gain when we do constellation work.

Only when we take our life fully from our parents and accept the gift of life that they have given to us we can become who we are truly meant to be and find our “genius”. I am deeply grateful for being allowed to support people on their path to finding their unique giftedness. Working with family constellations and the orders of love and spreading the spirit of reconciliation through my workshops, CPD days and training is definite my genuine calling.

What is your gift? Your genuine calling? No matter at what stage in your life you are at the moment, no matter if you are already fully connected with your gift or still struggling or maybe have lost hope of ever finding it – remember that you are a unique soul and that genuine gifts are not measured by finances, fame or fortune.

Whatever you celebrate – Christmas or Winter Solstice - I wish you that with every gift you give or receive in this month you remember that both, giver and receiver, are unique and that in everyone of you shines a light that can brighten whatever darkness may surround us if we allow it to shine.

May the spirit of LOVE and RECONCILIATION be with all of you




Training in Family and Systemic Constellations
(30.1.2020 - February 2021)

Some people asked me if this training is only for future constellation facilitators, so it feels it needs clarification.

NO – your goal does NOT have to be to facilitate constellations and you do NOT have to be a counsellor or psychotherapist to participate.

·       If you are a TEACHER this training could support you in developing a completely new perspective on your students and their families. You could develop new ideas of how to support students and colleagues. You could bring the spirit of the orders of love into the educational environment and become a pioneer of change.

·       If you are a COACH this training could support you in integrating the systemic principles in your services – opening up new markets and groups of clients.

·       If you are a MASSAGE THERAPIST or BODY WORKER this training could support you in integrating the trans-generational dynamic in your practice deepening even more your clients’ healing experience.

·       If you are a HOLISTIC THERAPIST – no matter what your specific area is – this training could support you in integrating an even deeper truth and thus serving reconnection and reconciliation.

·       If you are a MEDIATOR, LAWYER or JUDGE, this training could open up a totally new dimension and new possibilities of your work (as it did years ago for your Brazilian colleagues) and reconnect you to the original reason that made you choose your profession.

·       If you are a NURSE or DOCTOR, this training could open up a totally new perspective on your patients and their suffering and opening up new possibilities of stress-release and self-care.

·       If you work in the PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT this training could be an incredible tool for staff management and development, for conscious decision making and developing new training programs.

·       If you are an ASTROLOGER this training could be the first next step for growing into the powerful area of Systemic Astrology and thus expanding your service.

·       If you are  a COUNSELLOR or PSYCHOTHERAPIST – no matter what theory you are following – this training will enrich and deepen your professional and personal life.

·       WHOEVER you are and whatever life or professional path you are following, this training could be the best investment you have ever made in yourself by supporting you to discover the aforementioned GENIUS QUALITIES hidden within you.

There are still a couple of spaces left and I have decided to extend the SUPER EARLY BIRD FEE until the 15th of December.

One click on the green button takes you to all the necessary information.

If you have any questions and need more clarification please get in touch.

If you know someone who could be interested, please share.

As one of my workshop participants once said: "Turn on you television, read your newspapers, and look out of your window. Has there ever been a time in the history of the world when we needed something as powerful as Family Constellation work as we need it now?” (BM)

The world needs definitely more people who serve in a meaningful way

This could be one of those ways

Training in Family and Systemic Constellations


The next Family Constellation Weekend 

24th, 25th and 26th of January 2020

"Own constellations" are fully booked.

Register HERE as a representative.






Next Family Constellation Day

 11th of January 2020

"Own constellations" are fully booked

Register HERE as a representative.






And last but not least - as we are talking about gifts - in the below video I share in a song the gift that I had received during my own training in family constellations in 2012.

Merry Christmas - Blessed Winter Solstice




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Ursula Maria Bell
0044 (0)7859 277357
© Ursula Maria Bell 2019